Prince Charles: We’ve found a new path to shared prosperity and security

Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, told Prince Charles that the visit of his mother Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland in 2011 was a "watershed moment" in the history between our two countries.

Prince Charles: We’ve found a new path to shared prosperity and security

Latest: Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, told Prince Charles that the visit of his mother Queen Elizabeth II to Ireland in 2011 was a "watershed moment" in the history between our two countries, writes Olivia Kelleher.

Speaking at Cork City Hall the Tanaiste said following the deeply symbolic ceremonies attended by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in Dublin seven years ago the visitors travelled to Cork where they got to meet the people of the city.

Minister Coveney said that when he walked through the English Market with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall this morning he was reminded of the Queen's visit.

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney and The Prince of Wales pictured arriving at English Market.
Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Simon Coveney and The Prince of Wales pictured arriving at English Market.

He stated that he received a massive grin from fishmonger Pat O'Connell as he passed him with Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall.

Mr O'Connell was famously pictured seven years ago in a lighthearted informal moment with her Majesty.

Mr Coveney said he remembered the "laughter and relaxation" of the visit of the Queen and Prince Philip and that the Queen was keen to meet the people on the streets.

Minister Coveney, said when Queen Elizabeth II decided to greet the people outside the English Market the first person she encountered was his grandmother. He joked that many observers thought that he had engineered the meet and greet with his grandmother who spent several decades living in London.

Everyone thought it was organised but it wasn't. My grandmother is here today at 99 years of age. That visit and the visit (today) is a special one for our family as well as this city.

The Tanaiste said at a personal level he was proud to accompany Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall given that he studied in Britain as a younger man and had strong ties with the country.

The Tánaiste described the relationship between Ireland and Britain as an "immensely important one" and stated that two countries shared "history, heritage and tragedy."

"We sit side by side in the Atlantic ocean. It is a relationship that needs to be constantly developed and worked on

In commercial terms, it is worth €65m year. Our relationship is about far more than economics. It is much deeper."

The Tánaiste emphasised that visits by the royal family were an important part of the "deepening relationship" between Ireland and Great Britain and that they contributed to the "normalisation" of ties between our neighbouring countries.

He stated that the planned trip to the Naval Base was a tribute to sailors who had risked their lives doing humanitarian work in the Mediterranean.

The Tánaiste added the royal couple would almost certainly enjoy their trip to Kerry tomorrow even if the Kingdom is "second best in the country" at Gaelic football.

"They are second best in the country which Kerry is very proud of."

He added that he was very pleased to welcome the royal visitors to "the real Capital" of Ireland claiming that the Prince and the Duchess had "left the best to last."

Update 5pm: Refuge centre thanks Camilla for shining light on domestic violence

The Duchess of Cornwall has visited a refuge centre for victims of domestic violence in Co Cork.

Camilla, who continues to make good on her promise to break the taboo of domestic abuse, has championed the cause for a number of years.

Pauline Dunne, director of services of Cuanlee Women’s Refuge who has been serving the community for over four decades, says the staff and women living in the refuge were “honoured” to have the royal attend their centre.

She said: “When we found out that she had a genuine interest and dedication to helping those affected by domestic violence we were absolutely honoured and thrilled that she wanted to visit.

“The kids are so excited, dressed up, and it’s a big day for them and that’s what matters to us.

“It’s great that she’s chosen a cause like domestic violence to shine a light on.

“Domestic violence does not discriminate, and it can happen anywhere to anyone.

“We’re happy to have her here.”

Camilla, who has previously admitted personally knowing victims of domestic violence, met a number of women who live in the centre with their children due to violence and abuse at home.

Speaking with one previous resident of the refuge, Camilla hailed the work of Cuanlee saying: “It’s important that people know they always have somewhere to come back to, and they are not alone.

“The first step is sometimes the hardest.”

She went on to visit a unit inside the refuge were families live together, as well as meeting the artist in residence of the refuge who works with traumatised children in art therapy classes.

Artist in residence Terri O’Sullivan said: “I’m delighted to meet her, she’s taken a real interest in the women here, and these women have been some real tough times.

“It’s so important as we tend to stereotype people who have been through domestic violence, so having Camilla here really shows it can happen to anyone.”

Camilla presented the children living in the refuge with a hamper filled with sweets, chocolate and fudge as a parting gift.

The visit was organised as part of Camilla and Prince Charles’ visit to Ireland this week.

The royal couple are in Co Cork today visiting a number of famous sites as well as charities and organisations in which they have an interest.

Prince Charles attended a naval base while Camilla visited the women’s refuge and the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind training centre.

- PA

Update 3pm: Prince Charles gets sense of Ireland's past, present and future during UCC visit

Prince Charles got a sense of Ireland's past, present and future as he visited a Famine hut, came ‘face-to-face’ with one of his royal ancestors and saw how technology could save bees during his visit to University College Cork (UCC) this afternoon, writes Eoin English.

As his wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, visited the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind national training centre, the Prince of Wales toured the scenic grounds of the university once known as Queen's College where he viewed ancient Ogham stones and listened in UCC President Patrick O’Shea’s office to the premier of a piece of harp music commissioned by UCC to mark the royal couple's visit to Cork.

Pictured in UCC in Cork today is Prince Charles with Professor Patrick O'Shea, President of UCC. They are leaving a bothan, a one-roomed hut which was used by large sections of the population during the famine.
Pictured in UCC in Cork today is Prince Charles with Professor Patrick O'Shea, President of UCC. They are leaving a bothan, a one-roomed hut which was used by large sections of the population during the famine.

Composed and performed by UCC music graduate Dr Fiachra Ó Corragáin, the lively air, The Planxty to Prince Charles, also features in a short video showcasing the university and iconic sights across Cork city which has been published today on the university's various social media channels.

President O’Shea presented the Prince with a bound copy of the sheet music.

The university chose the harp because in 2000, Prince Charles revived an ancient royal tradition of having a Welsh harpist, to foster and encourage young musical talent in Wales and the UK and to raise the profile of the harp, the national symbol of Ireland.

Dr Ó Corragáin, who is in his 20s and from Kinsale, Co Cork, studied Music and Irish in UCC as an undergraduate, combining these disciplines in his doctoral composition studies, which specialised in traditional Irish music.

The Prince tapped his feet in the Aula Maxima later as musicians Nicole Delaney, Mary O’Donnell, Aine Griffey, and Aine Humphreys performed a slow air, a jig and reel, and as Rachel Saich danced.

The Prince viewed the Cork limestone statue of his great, great, great, grandmother, Queen Victoria, commissioned by architect Sir Thomas Deane as a gift to what was then the new Queen's College in 1849.

Professor Emeritus John A Murphy told Prince Charles that Victoria watched the statue being hoisted above the university’s Aula Maximum from her carriage on the Western Rd during her famous visit to Ireland in 1849.

“The statue is normally behind glass but for today, we’ve removed the glass and she’s looking all he better for it,” Prof Murphy said.

The Prince also viewed the Great Book of Ireland, an extraordinary vellum manuscript which contains the handwritten work of nine composers, 121 artists and 143 poets.

Among the pages he was shown was a work by poet Seamus Heaney, the last words written by Beckett, on his death-bed, and a piece by former poet laureate, Ted Hughes, who read bedtime stories to Prince Charles when he was a boy.

The Prince viewed the most extensive collection of Ogham stones on open display in Ireland in the university's stone corridor, before stepping inside An Bothán, a replica of the 'fourth-class' one-room mud hut in which the poorest of the poor lived and died during the Famine in Ireland between 1845 and 1849, and which was recreated by UCC for the national Famine commemoration.

The 1841 census records that Ireland had 1.3 million houses - of which 492,000 were classified as fourth-class.

He parted from his security detail and spent several minutes inside the hut, with Mr O’Shea, cartographer Mike Murphy, and Agriculture Minister Michael Creed.

When he emerged, he said: “I’m amazed at the structure, at how they could build something like that.”

The university also showcased projects that demonstrate its culture of nurturing entrepreneurship and innovation.

The Prince met students and graduates including Electrical and Electronic Engineering alumna Fiona Edwards Murphy, co-founder and chief executive of ApisProtect, a company which uses unique technology to help beekeepers prevent losses and increase productivity in their hives, including multiple sensors which provide an in-depth view of hives, allowing early intervention.

In 2013, Ms Edwards Murphy, from Kanturk, began her doctoral research into the application of sensors and networking in honey bee hives, and in 2016 she was the only Irish recipient of a 2016 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship.

She told the Prince she hopes to make a significant impact on the multi-billion-euro industry, which is under threat from climate change and disease.

“We’re rolling out 200 hives at key beekeeping locations in countries including the US, South Africa and the UK, with plans to target New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Canada and Germany over the next few years," she said.

Business Information Systems graduate Paul Moore, founder of Cork food company Rebel Chilli, presented his products to the Prince, and Emily Duffy, a Quercus Active Citizenship Scholar and Commerce student, talked about her Duffily Bag invention - a sleeping bag designed specially for rough sleepers and which has led to the creation of an employment project in Dublin.

Joanne O’Riordan spoke to the Prince about her disability campaigning work and said she was delighted when he asked her about the technology she uses in her wheelchair.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d meet a Prince. It was an honour to meet him,” she joked.

Update 1.30pm: Prince Charles addresses Cork City Hall in Irish before visiting UCC

Charles has addressed Cork City Hall in Irish before beginning his speech at a civic reception for the Prince of Wales and his wife, Camilla.

He said: "You have no idea what a joy it is for me and my wife to be back in Ireland again.

"Your kindness in letting us return is deeply appreciated.

"We have been profoundly touched by the warmth of the reception we have received.

"We have felt every single one of the 'cead mile failtes' extended to us.

The Prince of Wales speaking during a civic reception at City Hall in Cork. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
The Prince of Wales speaking during a civic reception at City Hall in Cork. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

"Ireland is a country that my wife and I have come to love. Above all, the warmth of its people and the irresistible haunting beauty of its landscape."

The prince was then cheered by students when he arrived for a tour of UCC.

He was greeted by the institution's president, Professor Patrick O'Shea.

A harpist entertained Charles before he signed a visitor book.

Among those he will meet are beekeepers, who are using the latest technology and in-hive sensors to increase productivity.

- PA

Update 11.47am: Watch: Charles and Camilla help celebrate English Market's 230th birthday on Cork visit

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have cut a cake in Cork's English Market this morning to help celebrate its 230th birthday, writes Eoin English.

Charles and Camilla followed in the footsteps of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, who visited the market in 2011, and met several traders during a guided tour of the historic food market.

The Prince of Wales (right) and the Duchess of Cornwall (centre right) meet Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney (2nd left) and Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
The Prince of Wales (right) and the Duchess of Cornwall (centre right) meet Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney (2nd left) and Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

They stopped at several stalls to learn a bit more about Cork’s culinary offering before unveiling a solid brass plaque to commemorate their visit.

Trader Pat O’Connell who famously welcomed the Queen six years ago, said it's another huge opportunity for traders and the city to market Cork on an international stage.

"Visits like this are not only an honour but are a global advertising opportunity and we are thrilled that HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall have chosen to stop here," he said.

"We have created a hamper with a range of products from all of the traders here in the market which will be presented to them and we hope they bring it home to Buckingham Palace and share with the rest of the royal family.”

Today's visit marks the start of a series of celebrations marking the market's 230th anniversary.

Market manager, Orla Lannin said they have major events planned to celebrate generations of traders, customers and visitors who have passed through the market over the last two centuries.

"To have HRH The Prince of Wales and HRH The Duchess of Cornwall here at the start of these celebrations is special in so many ways," she said.

Hundreds of people lined the Grand Parade as Tánaiste Simon Coveney, Lord Mayor Cllr Tony Fitzgerald and Agriculture Minister Michael Creed accompanied the royal couple through the market.

The royal couple are now on their way to City Hall for a civic reception before visiting UCC later.

Update 11am: Watch: Charles and Camilla arrive at English Market in Cork

The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall have begun a two-day tour of the Republic of Ireland with a visit to Cork.

Charles and Camilla started by following in the footsteps of the Queen and travelling to the city's famous English Market.

The Prince of Wales (centre) with Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney (left) and Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire
The Prince of Wales (centre) with Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney (left) and Lord Mayor of Cork Tony Fitzgerald. Picture: Brian Lawless/PA Wire

It follows a two-day visit to Northern Ireland, ending on Wednesday in Omagh, where the couple paid their respects at the scene of one of the biggest mass killings of the Troubles.

There was a party atmosphere in Cork as the royal visitors were greeted by a local band - the product of a nationwide music education programme initially part-funded by the rock stars U2 - playing pop hits for hundreds of schoolchildren gathered outside the market and crowds lining crash barriers.

Tanaiste Simon Coveney, welcomed the royal visit which local politicians hope will boost Cork's profile as a major regional hub.

He said: "Royal visits enforce the normalisation of a confident and independent Ireland today with its closest neighbour, and the fact that we've moved on from the hang-ups of the past.

Prince Charles has been to the island three times in the last three years. Today he's seeing the best part of Ireland and I think he'll get a very warm reception here.

"As you can see, people of all ages are here to make sure this is a positive day for Cork."

Cork's food hall is named after the English corporation which established the centre in the 18th century and this year the tourist attraction celebrates its 230th anniversary.

It first began trading meat in 1788 but fish, vegetables, fruit and other goods were later added and today it serves all markets, from those wanting the latest trends in cuisine to locals buying traditional fare such as tripe or blood pudding known as drisheen.

Charles and Camilla went on a brief walkabout after they stepped from their motorcade, meeting some of the enthusiastic school pupils who screamed and shouted.

Soon after arriving inside the market, the couple cut a 230th birthday cake to mark the milestone of the foodhall the Queen toured during her historic 2011 visit to Ireland.

Nearby, they were immortalised in icing with their faces decorating a display of cup cakes.

- PA

Update 9.20am: Charles and Camilla to observe minute's silence for Grenfell victims during Cork visit

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will this morning observe a minute's silence for the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, writes Olivia Kelleher.

The couple will observe the moment of reflection for the men, women and children who perished in the tragedy during their visit to Cork City Hall.

Whilst onsite they will be in the presence of one hundred and fifty invited guests including Olympian Rob Heffernan, All Ireland winning camogie player and mental health advocate Aisling Thompson, the Young Offenders' writer and director Peter Foote and his wife actress Hillary Rose and chef Rachel Allen from Ballymaloe House.

The royal couple will also be introduced to some of the city's great innovators such as James Whelton from Coder Dojo who set up the first ever Coder Dojo clubs in Cork. Coder Dojo is now a global network of computer programming clubs that offers free coding glasses to tens of thousands of children internationally.

The visitors will also meet with founding members of iWish, the annual showcase event set up in Cork to inspire, encourage and motivate young girls to pursue careers in Science Technology, Engine and Maths. It brings thousands of young women to the RDS and Cork City Hall every year.

The Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr Tony Fitzgerald, who is in his last day in office, said the strong and ever strengthening relationship between both of our countries is at the heart of the visit.

"Cork has a very special relationship with the UK. One third of our overseas visitors to Cork hail from the UK. Meanwhile, the UK is the second largest country for Irish goods and the largest for our services And most of all, there isn't a person in this country or city who doesn't have a son, daughter, brother or sister, uncle or aunt living across the water."

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will visit Cork's English Market this morning. The Prince of Wales will travel on to University College Cork, the Maritime College and Haulbowline Naval Base whilst the Duchess will make a private visit to a domestic violence refuge for women and children,in addition to an engagement at the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind centre in Model Farm Road.

The English Market will again play centre stage for the visit of Royalty with Prince Charles following in the footsteps of his mother Queen Elizabeth II and his father HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh who included the oldest food market in Europe in her itinerary in 2011.

Speaking about the visit, English Market Trader Pat O'Connell said it was a huge opportunity for the market to showcase its unique offering.

"Visits like this are not only an offer but are a global advertising opportunity and we are thrilled that HRH the Prince of Wales and HRH the Duchess of Cornwall have chosen to stop her. We have created a hamper with a range of products for all of the traders here in the market which will be presented to them and we hope they bring it home to Buckingham Palace and share it with the rest of the royal family."

The royal couple will unveil a solid brass plaque to commemorate their visit before being presented with a selection of fresh produce from the market.

Tonight's official dinner will take place at the Crawford Art Gallery in Cork city. The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will be joined by the Lord Mayor, Tanaiste Simon Coveney and representatives from the world of arts, culture and education.

Earlier: Restrictions in Cork as Charles and Camilla visit

As the fresh paint dries across Cork City, a massive security operation has kicked in and traffic restrictions will be in place from early morning for the visit of Britain’s Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall.

The royal couple will visit City Hall, the English Market, UCC, the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind training centre, the National Maritime College of Ireland, and the Irish Naval Service headquarters in Haulbowline, before returning to the city for a VIP dinner in the evening.

Hundreds of anti-incinerator campaigners plan to stage a silent, peaceful protest along the route they will take to Haulbowline in a bid to raise the profile of their campaign against plans to build a €160m incinerator in Ringaskiddy.

Kevin Linehan, Cork City Council, painting road curbs outside City Hall.
Kevin Linehan, Cork City Council, painting road curbs outside City Hall.

University College Cork has commissioned UCC music graduate Dr Fiachra Ó Corragáin, to write a special piece for the harp to commemorate the visit.

Dr Ó Corragáin will perform ‘The Planxty’ to Prince Charles when he visits the campus this morning.

Charles will meet with students and graduates including electrical and electronic engineering alumna Fiona Edwards Murphy, from Kanturk, co-founder and chief executive of ApisProtect, which uses technology to help beekeepers prevent losses and increase productivity in their hives.

“We’re rolling out 200 hives at key beekeeping locations in countries including the US, South Africa, and the UK, with plans to target New Zealand, Australia, Spain, Canada, and Germany over the next few years,” she said.

Business information systems graduate Paul Moore, founder of Cork food company Rebel Chilli, will present his products while Emily Duffy, a Quercus Active Citizenship scholar and commerce student, will talk to Charles about her Duffily Bag invention — a sleeping bag designed for rough sleepers.

UCC president Patrick O’Shea said: “It is because of their stories and successes that UCC has become known as a hub for entrepreneurial excellence, and we are delighted to welcome his royal highness the Prince of Wales to our campus, to witness first hand how UCC students are changing the world.”

Meanwhile, Billy Forrester, of wine merchants Bubble Brothers, based in the English Market, has created a new drink which he hopes to serve to the pair during their tour of the English Market.

The sparkling blend of Camel Valley’s ‘Cornwall’ Brut and Móinéir Irish raspberry wine from Wicklow Way Wines has been named Deoch, the Irish for ‘drink’, and a play on words on the Prince’s title as Duke of Cornwall.

“The aperitif itself reflects a coming together of English and Irish elements,” said Mr Forrester. “We wanted to put a lively Cork welcome into a single glass, and the meeting of these innovative Irish and English wines seemed an appropriate way to mark the occasion.”

Gardaí said today’s visit will start at 10.30am and the public are welcome to visit and will be facilitated to view it. People have been advised to arrive in good time, and not to carry large luggage or bags.

“People going about their daily business will be facilitated but some minor delays may be experienced and people are advised to allow extra time for their journeys,” said a spokesman.

The royal couple will visit Kerry tomorrow where they will visit Derrynane, Tralee, and Killarney before departing in the evening. Gardaí said Tralee and Killarney will be open for business as usual.

- Irish Examiner

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